

With no exaggeration, living in Palestine this past year

 has been heartbreaking. 

There seems to be no limit to the violence Israel wages on the Palestinian people.  I live near the place where 10 days ago, Israeli soldiers shot and killed Fulla Malsameh, a Palestinian girl about to celebrate her 16th birthday. Whenever I drive past this spot, I am reminded of the countless lives the occupiers have taken this year. Last night in Nablus, 16-year-old Ahmed Shehadeh was shot with a bullet to the heart and died instantly. He is the 200th Palestinian and 55th child murdered by Israeli occupying forces in 2022.

Driving across the West Bank, I see the intensification of settler colonialism and occupation. More soldiers, more flying checkpoints, more harassment, and more settler attacks.  

No Palestinian is untouched. We are losing our land, our homes, our children, our brothers and fathers, and quite frankly, our minds. There is no room for normalcy. In 1948 lands, the Israeli government used the U.S. playbook of planting drugs in Palestinian communities fueling crime and corruption. In Gaza, the 15-year siege continues to deprive the lives of two million people. In Jerusalem, Palestinian families are under the daily threat of being forced to demolish or leave their homes.  In the West Bank, we are confronted by gun-wielding settlers who want to see us dead and Israeli soldiers who do precisely that on command.  And in the refugee camps in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan – Palestinian refugee families are experiencing life-threatening poverty. 

All this paints a bleak picture. 

But I promise you that we have not given up. Palestinians continue to resist. We are harvesting our olives, we are teaching our children, and we are building a strong community to weather the storm. 

We need your continued support and solidarity. As this year winds down, Adalah Justice Project is building relationships and a strategic vision for 2023 to bolster campaigns that will hold the Zionist regime, U.S. imperialism, and corporations accountable for their crimes against humanity. 


As Israeli violence intensifies, we need to intensify our work to resist and build toward a more hopeful future.

 Copyright © 2022 Adalah Justice Project

Our mailing address is:

Adalah Justice Project

P.O. Box 541

Glen Carbon, Illinois 62034



 di Zahoor Ahmad Zargar


Pianti urla lacrime o silenzio di morte

-dentro il petto lava che sta per esplodere-

razzi mine carri armati o pallottole vaganti

prendono di mira

uomini donne bambini innocenti

dimostrazione di prepotenza

incursioni militari coprifuoco assedio rapine

perquisizioni arresti umiliazioni

per colpire la dignità di un popolo

che ha avuto il coraggio di non sottomettersi


L’urlo di un neonato

sotto il sole bruciante di un check-point

madre bagnata dal sudore di vergogna e di fatica

dal petto sorge una

supplica che diventa preghiera:

“Tu devi crescere e diventare forte

per vendicare, liberare la tua patria!”


In un angolo di un villaggio

fanno cerchio attorno alla madre di un defunto:

battono le mani, regalano dolci

nelle loro canzoni per la vittoria

invitano i giovani al sacrificio kamikaze.


Terra Santa, Terra Promessa?

Terra dei Profeti e dei Santi

Terra bruciata Terra ferita Terra violentata

nelle mani dei discendenti

in nome di Dio?

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